Dedicated to Making Work Life Work Well
Workplace Psychology is the art and craft of "making work life work well". We help leaders improve their work lives and product. This helps them improve the work lives and product of the people they lead. This in turn fosters enterprise mission and enhanced results. To achieve this, we attend to making work life work well at all of its functional levels: including organization effectiveness, group collaboration, individual performance, operational efficiency, economic profit, meaningful connection, and personal satisfaction. The common thread in everything we do at Workplace Psychology is our dedication to significant learning and sustainable change. Our key method is penetrating conversation: dialogue that reaches to the heart of issues, navigates obstacles and conflicts, opens new possibilities, and drives to practical solutions. This is the gist of how we help you to make work life work well - for both yourself and your enterprise.
We help leaders be better leaders.
We help leaders advance their careers.
Areas of Practice
CEO Advice and Coaching
The challenges you encounter as Chief Executive can be intensely demanding, even daunting at times. And that intensity is generally increasing, as the pace of change escalates in a world swept by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. How do you sustain your balance and clarity to chart a solid course for your enterprise?
Business Partner Coaching
The dynamics of a well-functioning partnership group can be a thing of beauty: two (or more) heads can indeed be better than one. But a troubled partnership can be a recipe for disaster. It can be successfully mended (or reasonably dissolved), but only by conducting difficult conversations. We help partners by brokering that dialogue.
Leadership Team Building
When a management team is high performing, its executives regard themselves as collectively responsible to support the CEO in enterprise-wide leadership, while still managing success for the specific silos they lead. Our senior team-building programs cultivate leadership teams that truly collaborate in the service of enterprise agility.
Leader learning programs
People leaders are the kind of leaders who bring out the best in their people. They know how to motivate, empower and inspire others to engage to their fullest and contribute their best. Our leadership learning programs help executives and other managers to understand, practice and refine the social skills required for effective people leadership.
workplace culture change
There are two paramount reasons that work cultures need to change: to get more focused or to get healthy. A work culture needs to get focused when it is misaligned with enterprise purpose. And work culture needs to get healthy when employees are disengaging from their work. We help leaders learn how to facilitate both kinds of culture change.
business conflict HANDLING
Conflict management can be the toughest challenge leaders face (at least on the people-side of their roles). Truly mastering the craft of conflict-handling requires emotional maturity and wisdom, which is mostly acquired over a long experiential process. Still, conflict-handling can be significantly improved via targeted learning experiences.
Classical executive coaching is focused on skill mentoring. If the executive skills that you need to enhance are primarily people leadership skills (that is, interpersonal and self-management skills, as opposed to technical business skills), then our approach is suited to your needs. We help you manage the particular challenges you're currently facing, while we simultaneously help you develop a toolkit of skills to empower you, and enable your success going forward.
Executive Career counsel
Building a career is a lifetime journey, and pursuing a career in management can be especially demanding. Good leaders might excel at leading people on an enterprise mission, but they aren't always so effective at leading themselves on their own career path. Success at navigating one's career, especially in a rapidly changing world, can require an entrepreneurial mindset. We can help you develop that mindset, and the skills you need to advance your career with confidence.
Executive Stress handling
Some leaders are best served by a classical coaching approach: a confidential forum to share problems and get feedback from a seasoned advisor. But other leaders may also benefit from the help of an experienced psychotherapist, to deal with underlying emotional issues that are interfering with their leadership effectiveness (and perhaps other parts of their lives). Our executive stress management intertwines both of these approaches with synergistic results.